Other Services
> Identifications

Contact us to discuss your needs prior to sending material to ensure that the request can be accommodated and to estimate the amount of time required.
Identifications may be based on morphology but a sequence is often required especially for identification to species. There are additional costs to obtain a sequence.
Our ability to assist you is greater if we receive pure cultures in good sporulating condition. A microscopic mount showing the type of sporulating structures and /or illustrations are helpful and can speed up the identification process.

Colonial and microscopic appearance of Acrophialophora fusispora UAMH 9508 isolated from brain. Read about this case.
Please provide isolation data including substrate, location, name of isolator and preliminary identification (if any). A copy of your requisition showing details of work already done would also be useful.
Cultures contaminated with bacteria or other fungi are unacceptable and extra charges may be assessed for purification.
Cultures contaminated with mites are not accepted and will be destroyed immediately.
Please see Price list and instructions for sending cultures.