Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Order Cultures

Catalogue CoverSearch the online catalogue or consult the print Catalogue to locate strains. You may order by email if all details are provided. (Contact Us)

A purchase order or credit card payment must accompany all orders. Orders from outside Canada and the USA must be paid in advance.  See details below on prices and payment methods.

If a particular isolate is required, provide the UAMH number and the name of the fungus as listed in catalogues (e.g. UAMH 4002 Tolypocladium inflatum). 

If you are uncertain about which isolate to select, consult us for advice on selection of the the most appropriate isolate or species. To help us assist you, state the purpose(s) for which the culture(s) will be used. In some cases, we may recommend an alternative isolate if we know how you plan to use a culture.

FD ampoule

Supply: Cultures are supplied as test tube slants on various culture media. Cultures may be supplied as freeze-dried ampoules.

See Recipes for Culture Media

Handling cultures upon receipt:  please see our guidelines 

Order form: The "add to cart" button on the collection Search Catalogue function automatically adds cultures to your cart, which is then visible on the Order Form. You can also manually add culture numbers to the "Purchase Details" section of the form. Once your form is complete, you can either print and send it, or email it to us directly using the Sumbit button.

Prices and payment methods:

  • Consult the current Price List for details on prices and methods of payment.
  • Orders must be accompanied by a purchase order, credit card or money order payable to The Gage Research Institute.
  • Note that orders from outside Canada and the USA must be paid in advance.
  • Specify your full address including department, institutional affiliation, street address for delivery by courier, telephone, fax numbers and email address.
  • Students must provide the supervisor's (major professor’s) name and email address. A confirmatory email or letter from the supervisor may be required to confirm the order.

Materials Transfer Agreement: Upon taking receipt of UAMH materials, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the UAMH Materials Transfer Agreement.

  • Cultures are provided only to bona fide scientific researchers who have adequate training and facilities for handling microbes.
  • Some fungi are restricted to laboratories having appropriate biosafety licensing. For all Canadian orders of agents RG2 and above, a pdf of your HPTA license must be provided prior to shipping so that the license conditions can be confirmed.
Citation of UAMH strains: UAMH strain numbers must be cited in patent(s), GenBank records, publications or theses associated with the use of these strains.