Publications Citing UAMH Strains


Displaying 2226-2250 of 3078 results:
Title: Penicillium kananaskense, a new species from Alberta soil
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 72: 20-24 (1994)
Author(s): Seifert, Frisvad, J. C. and McLean, Mary Ann
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7437

Title: In vitro sensitivity of medically significant Fusarium species to various antimycotics
Source: Chemotherapy 40: 239-244 (1994)
Author(s): Sekhon, A. S., Padhye, A. A., Garg, A. K., Ahmad, H. and Moledina, N.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5788

Title: New records of nail and skin infection due to Onychocola canadensis and description of its teleomorph Arachnomyces nodosetosus sp. nov
Source: Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 32: 275-285 (1994)
Author(s): Sigler, Abbott, Abbott, S. P. and Woodgyer, A. J.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4596; UAMH 5344; UAMH 5893; UAMH 6043; UAMH 6106; UAMH 6637; UAMH 6794; UAMH 6795; UAMH 7046; UAMH 7116; UAMH 7117; UAMH 7139; UAMH 7139; UAMH 7429

Title: Maintaining fungal diversity—integration of a herbarium and living collection
Source: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 13: 191-192 (1994)
Author(s): Sigler, Lynne
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Reclassification of Trichosporon cutaneum by DNA relatedness by the spectrophotometric method and the chemiluminometric method
Source: Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 40: 397-408 (1994)
Author(s): Sugita, Takashi, Nishikawa, Akemi and Shinoda, Takako
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7654

Title: A new species of Roumegueriella
Source: Mycoscience 35: 409-412 (1994)
Author(s): Udagawa, Shun-ichi, Uchiyama, Shigeru and Kamiya, Seigo
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8329

Title: Polymerase chain reaction-mediated genotyping of Hortaea werneckii, causative agent of tinea nigra
Source: Mycoses 37: 307-312 (1994)
Author(s): Uijthof, J. M., de Cock, A. W., de Hoog, G. S., Quint, W. G. and van Belkum, A.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 3962; UAMH 3963; UAMH 4978; UAMH 4985; UAMH 5389

Title: A simple method for the in vitro production of pseudothecia in species of Capronia
Source: Mycologia 86: 290-295 (1994)
Author(s): Untereiner WA
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8414; UAMH 8419

Title: Growth and Biological Control Activity of Tilletiopsis Species Against Powdery Mildew ( Sphaerotheca fuliginea ) on Greenhouse Cucumber
Source: Phytopathology 84: 341-351 (1994)
Author(s): Urquhart EJ
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9072

Title: Light enhancement of symbiotic seed germination and development of an endangered terrestrial orchid (Platanthera integrilabia)
Source: Plant Science 102: 133-138 (1994)
Author(s): Zettler, Lawrence W. and McInnis, Thomas M.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7632; UAMH 7632; UAMH 7807; UAMH 7810

Title: Regulation of extracellular proteinase production in an ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme
Source: Mycologia 86: 227-234 (1994)
Author(s): Zhu, Hong, Dancik, Bruce P. and Higginbotham, Kenneth O.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5460

Title: Schizolysis of dolipore-parenthesome septa in an arthroconidial fungus associated with Dendroctonus ponderosae and in similar anamorphic fungi
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 71: 1032-1038 (1993)
Author(s): A Tsuneda, S Murakami, L Sigler et al.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Microbial reduction of aromatic carboxylic acids
Source: Zeitschrift fur Naturforsch C 48: 52-57 (1993)
Author(s): Arfmann, H. A. and Abraham, W. R.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8716

Source: Journal of Organic Chemistry 58: 7529-7534 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer & Cruz
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7005

Source: Journal of Natural Products 56: 85-89 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer & Trifonov
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7006

Title: Scytolide, A New Shikimate Metabolite from the Fungus Scytalidium Uredinicola
Source: Natural Product Letters 2: 77-82 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, Fukazawa, Yoshmaza and Orszanska, Helena
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4149

Title: Trehalose esters from the aspen fungus Hyphozyma lignicola
Source: Journal of Natural Products 56: 2046-52 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, W. A. and Miao, S.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Trehalose esters from the aspen fungus Hyphozyma lignicola
Source: Journal of Natural Products 56: 2046-2052 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, W. A. and Miao, S.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7002

Title: The tremulanes, a new group of sesquiterpenes from the aspen rotting fungus Phellinus tremulae
Source: Journal of Organic Chemistry 58: 7529-7534 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, William A. and Cruz, Elizabete R.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: 2-Carbomethoxyoxepin: 1-carbomethoxybenzene 1,2-oxide. A metabolite of Phellinus tremulae
Source: Tetrahedron Letters 34: 1589-1592 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, William A. and Cruz, Elizabete R.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7005

Title: Secondary metabolites of the aspen fungus Stachybotrys cylindrospora
Source: Canadian Journal of Chemistry 71: 487-493 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, William A. and Miao, Shichang
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7122

Title: Metabolites of Peniophora polygonia, part 2. Some aromatic compounds
Source: Journal of Natural Products 56: 85-89 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, William A. and Trifonov, Latchezar S.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Scytolide, A New Shikimate Metabolite from the Fungus Scytalidium Uredinicola
Source: Natural Product Letters 2: 77-82 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, William A., Fukazawa, Yoshmaza and Orszanska, Helena
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Deoxyscytalidin and lignicol: new metabolites from Scytalidium species
Source: Journal of Natural Products 56: 1835-1838 (1993)
Author(s): Ayer, William A., Lu, Pu-ping, Orszanska, Helena and Sigler, Lynne
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Improvement of the kinetics of anaerobic digestion of molasses by the removal of phenolic compounds
Source: Biotechnology Letters 15: 311-316 (1993)
Author(s): Borja, R., Martin, A., Maestro, R., Luque, M. and Durán, M. M.
UAMH strains(s):