Displaying 2151-2175 of 3078 results:
Title: Turkish Multicenter PD Study Group (TULIP), Turkey
Source: Nephron 71: 99-100 (1995)Author(s): Ozener, Çetin, Karayaylali, Ibrahim, Yilmaz, Emin, Ersoy, Fevzi, Camsari, Taner, Ataman, Rezzan, Bozfakioglu, Semra, Akcicek, Fehmi, Ates, Kenan and Arinsoy, Turgay
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Mycoleptodiscus indicus: a new etiologic agent of phaeohyphomycosis
Source: Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33: 2796-2797 (1995)Author(s): Padhye, A. A., Davis, M. S., Reddick, A., Bell, M. F., Gearhart, E. D. and Von Moll, L.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: The fungal community associated with the roots of some rainforest epiphytes of Costa Rica
Source: Selbyana 16: 49-73 (1995)Author(s): Richardson, Katherine A. and Currah, R. S.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Development of an agronomically superior blackleg resistant canola cultivar in Brassica napus L. using doubled haploidy
Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Science 75: 437-439 (1995)Author(s): Stringam, G. R., Bansal, V. K., Thiagarajah, M. R., Degenhardt, D. F. and Tewari, J. P.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8227