Publications Citing UAMH Strains


Displaying 2026-2050 of 3078 results:
Title: Maxillary sinusitis caused by Pleurophomopsis lignicola
Source: Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35: 2136-2141 (1997)
Author(s): Padhye, A. A., Gutekunst, R. W., Smith, D. J. and Punithalingam, E.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9227

Title: Cutaneous mycoses in chameleons caused by the Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii (Apinis) Currah
Source: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 28: 443-453 (1997)
Author(s): Paré JA, Sigler L, Hunter DB, Summerbell RC, Smith DA, Machin KL
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7582; UAMH 7583; UAMH 7861

Title: Fatal pulmonary infection caused by the basidiomycete Hormographiella aspergillata
Source: Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35: 283277 (1997)
Author(s): PE Verweij, M van Kasteren, J Van de Nes et al.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Intense photophobia caused by Arthrographis kalrae in a contact lens-wearing patient
Source: American Journal of Ophthalmology 123: 547-549 (1997)
Author(s): Perlman, E. M. and Binns, L.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8615

Title: Evaluation of fungicides and surfactants for control of fairy rings caused by Marasmius oreades (Bolt ex. Fr.) Fr.
Source: HortScience 32: 1077-1084 (1997)
Author(s): PV Blenis, LB Nadeau, NR Knowles et al.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Tilletiopsis minor: a new etiologic agent of human subcutaneous mycosis in an immunocompromised host
Source: Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35: 2992-2995 (1997)
Author(s): Ramani, Kahn, Kahn, B. T. and Chaturvedi, V.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9302

Title: Corneal abnormalities associated with incontinentia pigmenti
Source: American Journal of Ophthalmology 123: 549-551 (1997)
Author(s): RC Ferreira, LC Ferreira, L Forstot, R King
UAMH strains(s):

Source: Gastroenterology 112: 4; A1366 (1997)
Author(s): Richer L, Sigalet D, Kneteman N, Shapiro J, Jones A, et al
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8046

Title: Fungi from orchid mycorrhizas
Source: In: Arditti J., Pridgeon A.M. (eds) Orchid Biology (1997)
Author(s): RS Currah, CD Zelmer, S Hambleton, KA Richardson
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Fermentation process for preparation of compactin
Source: US Patent US5691173A (1997)
Author(s): Scott Primrose, David King, Ed Yaworski, Jayaramaiyer Radhakrishnan, David He, Xinfa Xiao
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Remersonia, a new genus for Stilbella thermophila, a thermophilic mould from compost
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 1158-1165 (1997)
Author(s): Seifert, Louis-Seize, Gerry, Samson, Robert A. and Boekhout, Teun
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 2028

Title: Diversity in crystal production by some bird's nest fungi (Nidulariaceae) in culture
Source: Canadian Journal of Chemistry 75: 850-856 (1997)
Author(s): Shinners, Tracy C. and Tewari, Jalpa P.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8020; UAMH 8104; UAMH 8276

Title: Invasive Nattrassia mangiferae infections: case report, literature review, and therapeutic and taxonomic appraisal
Source: Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35: 433-440 (1997)
Author(s): Sigler L; Summerbell RC; Poole L; Wieden M; Sutton DA; Rinaldi MG; Aguirre M; Estes GW; Galgiani JN
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 6673

Title: Maxillary sinusitis caused by Schizophyllum commune and experience with treatment
Source: Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 35: 365-370 (1997)
Author(s): Sigler, L., Estrada, S., Montealegre, N. A., Jaramillo, E., Arango, M., De Bedout, C. and Restrepo, A.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8365

Title: Maxillary sinusitis caused by Schizophyllum commune and experience with treatment
Source: Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 35: 365-70 (1997)
Author(s): Sigler, L., Estrada, S., Montealegre, N. A., Jaramillo, E., Arango, M., De Bedout, C. and Restrepo, A.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Isolation of variants of petromyces albertensis with altered ochratoxin production
Source: Cereal Research Communications 25: 305-306 (1997)
UAMH strains(s):

Source: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 52C: 421-425 (1997)
Author(s): Tewari et al
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8205

Title: Black spot disease of Lentinula edodes caused by the Hyphozyma synanamorph of Eleutheromyces subulatus
Source: Mycologia 89: 867-875 (1997)
Author(s): Tsuneda, Akihiko, Murakami, Shigeyuki, Gill, Warwick M. and Maekawa, Nitaro
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5529; UAMH 5671; UAMH 8225; UAMH 8226

Title: Leptodontidium quercuum : antagonism to Lentinula edodes in Quercus logs and conidiogenesis
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 1649-1655 (1997)
Author(s): Tsuneda, Maekawa, Nitaro and Komatsu, Mitsuo
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8341; UAMH 8342

Title: Molecular and Physiological Investigations of Exophiala Species Described from Fish
Source: Systematic and Applied Microbiology 20: 585-594 (1997)
Author(s): Uijthof, J. M. J., Figge, M. J. and de Hoog, G. S.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 2981; UAMH 8453; UAMH 8455; UAMH 8456; UAMH 8457; UAMH 8458

Title: Taxonomy of selected members of the ascomycete genus Capronia with notes on anamorph-teleomorph connections
Source: Mycologia 89: 120-131 (1997)
Author(s): Untereiner WA
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8414; UAMH 8415; UAMH 8418

Title: Epiphytic growth and survival of Tilletiopsis pallescens, a potential biological control agent of Sphaerotheca fuliginea, on cucumber leawes
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 892-901 (1997)
Author(s): Urquhart EJ, Punja ZK
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9072

Title: Morphological and anatomical characterization of ectomycorrhizas and ectendomycorrhizas on Pinus strobus seedlings in a southern Ontario nursery
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 2057-2072 (1997)
Author(s): Ursic, Margot and Peterson, R. Larry
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Relative abundance of mycorrhizal fungi and frequency of root rot on Pinus strobus seedlings in a southern Ontario nursery
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27: 54-62 (1997)
Author(s): Ursic, Peterson, Peterson, R. L. and Husband, B.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8319; UAMH 8322

Title: Genetic variability within the toxigenic Petromyces genus
Source: Cereal Research Communications 25: 285-289 (1997)
Author(s): Varga, János, Kevei, Éva, Palágyi, Andrea, Tóth, Beáta and Téren, József
UAMH strains(s):