Publications Citing UAMH Strains


Displaying 1976-2000 of 2874 results:
Title: Apiosporamide, a new antifungal agent from the coprophilous fungus Apiospora montagnei
Source: Journal of Natural Products 57: 1696-702 (1994)
Author(s): Alfatafta, A. A., Gloer, J. B., Scott, J. A. and Malloch, D.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7489

Title: Role of mycelium and extracellular protein in the biodegradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60: 1711-1718 (1994)
Author(s): Armenante, P. M., Pal, N. and Lewandowski, G.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4521

Source: Journal of Natural Products 57: 317-319 (1994)
Author(s): Ayer & Trifonov
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7232

Title: Phomalone, an antifungal metabolite of Phoma etheridgei
Source: Canadian Journal of Chemistry 72: 2326-2332 (1994)
Author(s): Ayer, William A. and Jimenez, Luis Diego
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7003

Title: Anthraquinones and a 10-hydroxyanthrone from Phialophora alba
Source: Journal of Natural Products 57: 317-319 (1994)
Author(s): Ayer, William A. and Trifonov, Latchezar S.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: A Comparison of Greenhouse and Field Screening Methods for Blackleg Resistance in Doubled Haploid Lines of Brassica napus
Source: Plant Disease 78: 276-281 (1994)
Author(s): Bansal, V. K.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8227

Title: Biodegradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene byPhanerochaete chrysosporium: Identification of initial degradation products and the discovery of a TNT metabolite that inhibits lignin peroxidases
Source: Current Microbiology 28: 185-190 (1994)
Author(s): Bumpus, John A. and Tatarko, Matthew
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4521

Title: Microbial hydroxylation. I. Hydroxylation of aniline byAspergillus alliaceus, A. albertensis andA. terreus
Source: Journal of Industrial Microbiology 13: 233-237 (1994)
Author(s): Burkhead, K. D., Peterson, Stephen W. and Bolen, Paul L.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9313

Title: Preferential degradation of phenolic lignin units by two white rot fungi
Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60: 4509-4516 (1994)
Author(s): Camarero, S., Galletti, G. C. and Mart_nez, A. T.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4521

Source: Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 101: 74-79 (1994)
Author(s): Chakravarty P, Hiratsuka Y
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7001; UAMH 7004

Title: Role of Sporormiella similis as a potential bioprotectant of Populus tremuloides wood against the blue-stain fungus Ophiostoma piliferum
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24: 2235-2239 (1994)
Author(s): Chakravarty, P., Trifonov, L., Hutchison, L. J., Hiratsuka, Y. and Ayer, W. A.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7459; UAMH 7460

Title: Decoloration of azo dyes by three whiterot fungi: influence of carbon source
Source: World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 10: 556-559 (1994)
Author(s): Chao, W. L. and Lee, S. L.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4521

Title: The thioredoxin system of Penicillium chrysogenum and its possible role in penicillin biosynthesis
Source: Journal of Bacteriology 176: 973-984 (1994)
Author(s): Cohen, G., Argaman, A., Schreiber, R., Mislovati, M. and Aharonowitz, Y.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9184

Title: Department of Botany University of Alberta
Source: Ascomycete Systematics: Problems and Perspectives in the Nineties 269: 281 (1994)
Author(s): Currah, R. S.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Population biology ofHortaea werneckii based on restriction patterns of mitochondrial DNA
Source: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 65: 21-28 (1994)
Author(s): De Cock, Awam
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Exophiala jeanselmei var. lecanii-corni, an aetiologic agent of human phaeohyphomycosis, with report of a case
Source: Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 32: 373-380 (1994)
Author(s): De Hoog, G. S., Matsumoto, T., Matsuda, T. and Uijthof, J. M.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7914

Source: Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 32: 327-380 (1994)
Author(s): fide de Hoog et al
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 3970

Source: Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry April 1994: 10-20 (1994)
Author(s): Freiherr
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7353

Title: The role of root-associated fungi in the dominance of Gaultheria shallon
Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84: e02061-17 (1994)
Author(s): G Xiao
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Successful treatment of systemic and local infections due to Exophiala species
Source: Clinical Infectious Diseases 19: 339-341 (1994)
Author(s): Gold, W. L., Vellend, H., Salit, I. E., Campbell, I., Summerbell, R., Rinaldi, M. and Simor, A. E.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5953

Title: Amylolytic activity of Byssochlamys fulva
Source: Letters in Applied Microbiology 18: 77-78 (1994)
Author(s): Hang, Y. D. and Woodams, E. E.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 11636

Title: Amylolytic activity of Byssochlamys fulva
Source: Letters in Applied Microbiology 18: 77-78 (1994)
Author(s): Hang, Y. D. and Woodams, E. E.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Lignin-modifying enzymes from selected white-rot fungi: production and role from in lignin degradation
Source: FEMS Microbiology Reviews 13: 125-135 (1994)
Author(s): Hatakka, Annele
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4521

Title: Transformation of atrazine in soil by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Source: Soil Biology and Biochemistry 26: 1665-1671 (1994)
Author(s): Hickey, W. J., Fuster, D. J. and Lamar, R. T.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4521

Title: Potential for biological protection against blue stain in Populus tremuloides with a hyphomycetous fungus, Stachybotrys cylindrospora
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24: 174-179 (1994)
Author(s): Hiratsuka, Y., Chakravarty, P., Miao, S. and Ayer, W. A.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7004; UAMH 7122