Displaying 1851-1875 of 3077 results:
Title: Molecular phylogenetic support from ribosomal DNA sequences for origin of Helminthosporium from Leptosphaeria-like loculoascomycete ancestors
Source: Mycologia 92: 736-746 (2000)Author(s): Olivier, Claudia, Berbee, Mary L., Shoemaker, Robert A. and Loria, Rosemary
UAMH strains(s):
Title: An amendment of Aspergillus section Candidi based on chemotaxonomical evidence
Source: Phytochemistry 53: 581-586 (2000)Author(s): Rahbaek, L., Frisvad, J. C. and Christophersen, C.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 1324
Title: An amendment of Aspergillus section Candidi based on chemotaxonomical evidence
Source: Phytochemistry 53: 581-6 (2000)Author(s): Rahbaek, L., Frisvad, J. C. and Christophersen, C.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Cokeromyces recurvatus as a human pathogenic fungus: case report and critical review of the published literature
Source: Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 19: 155-158 (2000)Author(s): Ramani R, Newman R, Salkin IF, Li K, Slim M, Arlievsky N, Gedris C, Chaturvedi V
UAMH strains(s):
Title: A hyphomycete fungus, Paecilomyces lilacinus, associated with wasting disease in two species of tilapia from Puerto Rico
Source: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12: 149-156 (2000)Author(s): Rand, Thomas G., Bunkley‐Williams, Lucy and Williams, Ernest H.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Cultivating a strain of trichosporonoides megachiliensis in a culture medium at a high saccharide concentration of 20 to 50 w/v% then recovering accumulated product
Source: US Patent 6,110,715 (2000)Author(s): S Chida, T Ochiai
UAMH strains(s):
Title: New species and records of saprophytic ascomycetes (Myxotrichaceae) from decaying logs in the boreal forest
Source: Mycoscience 41: 495-502 (2000)Author(s): Sigler, Lynne, Lumley, Trevor C. and Currah, Randolph S.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: A new Apiosordaria from Nigeria, with a key to the soil-borne species
Source: Mycologia 92: 1206-1209 (2000)Author(s): Stchigel, Alberto M., Cano, José, Guarro, Josep and Gugnani, Harish C.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Phylogenetic analyses and the distribution of nematophagy support a monophyletic Pleurotaceae within the polyphyletic pleurotoid-lentinoid fungi
Source: Mycologia 92: 241-252 (2000)Author(s): Thorn, R. Greg, Moncalvo, Jean-Marc, Reddy, C. A. and Vilgalys, Rytas
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5317
Title: Phylogeny of the anamorphic genus Chrysosporium and related taxa based on rDNA internal transcribed spacer sequences
Source: Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 17: 22-29 (2000)Author(s): Vidal, Pilar, Vinuesa, M. de los A., Sánchez-Puelles, José María and Guarro, Josep
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Mycorrhizal infection reduces shortterm aluminum uptake and increases root cation exchange capacity of highbush blueberry plants
Source: HortScience 35: 1083-1086 (2000)Author(s): Yang, Wei Qiang and Goulart, Barbara L.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Water requirements of terrestrial and epiphytic orchid seeds and seedlings, and evidence for water uptake by means of mycotrophy
Source: Plant Science 156: 145-150 (2000)Author(s): Yoder JA, Zettler LW, Stewart SL
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9203;
UAMH 9203
Title: Symbiotic seed germination of an orchid in decline (Platanthera integra) from the Green Swamp, North Carolina
Source: Castanea 65: 207-212 (2000)Author(s): Zettler, Lawrence W., Sunley, Jennifer A. and Delaney, Tonya Wilson
UAMH strains(s):