Publications Citing UAMH Strains


Displaying 2851-2875 of 3078 results:
Title: High-temperature production of protein-enriched feed from cassava by fungi.
Source: Applied Microbiology 30: 897-904 (1975)
Author(s): AE Reade, KF Gregory
UAMH strains(s):

Title: New azasteroidal antifungal antibotics from Geotrichum flavo-brunneum. I. Discovery and fermentation studies
Source: Journal of Antibiotics 28: 95-101 (1975)
Author(s): Boeck, L. D., Hoehn, M. M., Westhead, J. E., Wolter, R. K. and Thomas, D. N.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8353

Title: The peat mould, Chromelosporium ollare, conidial state of Peziza ostracoderma, and its misapplied names, Botrytis crystallina, Botrytis spectabilis, Ostracoderma epigaeum and Peziza atrovinosa
Source: Mycologia 67: 214-240 (1975)
Author(s): GL Hennebert, RP Korf
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Odorous constituents of Penicillium decumbens
Source: Mycologia 67: 1158-1165 (1975)
Author(s): Halim, A. F., Narciso, J. A. and Collins, R. P.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8715

Title: Evaluation of Aspergillus differential medium
Source: Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2: 74-75 (1975)
Author(s): IF Salkin, MA Gordon
UAMH strains(s):

Source: Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 68: 359-367 (1975)
Author(s): Marill et al
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 6569

Title: Comparison of growth and morphological differentiation of 22 strains of Emmonsia Ciferri et Montemartini, 1959, agent of adiasporomycosis, in different temperatures
Source: Mycopathologia 57: 63-72 (1975)
Author(s): MT Boisseau-Lebreuil
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Croissance et différenciation morphologique comparées à diverses températures de vingt deux souches d'Emmonsia Ciferri et Montemartini, 1959, agent de l' …
Source: Mycopathologia 57: 63-72 (1975)
Author(s): MT Boisseau-Lebreuil
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Structures of pulvinone derivatives from Aspergillus terreus
Source: Phytochemistry 14: 573-576 (1975)
Author(s): Ojima, Nobutoshi, Takenaka, Shunsuke and Seto, Shuichi
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7844

Title: Increasing sporulation of corynespora cassiicola
Source: Mycopathologia 55: 121-123 (1975)
Author(s): Onesirosan, P., Arny, D. and Durbin, R. D.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 3480

Title: Cellulase and protein production from mixed cultures of Trichoderma viride and a yeast
Source: Biotechnology and Bioengineering 17: 1291-1299 (1975)
Author(s): Peitersen, N.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4170

Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 29: 857-858 (1975)
Author(s): Schroeder H.W. et al
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9512

Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology 29: 706-707 (1975)
Author(s): Schroeder HW and Stipanovic RD
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9512

Title: Classification of some gymnoascaceae by pyrolysis-gas-liquid chromatography using added marker compounds
Source: Sabouraudia 13: 83-88 (1975)
Author(s): Sekhon, A. S. and Carmichael, J. W.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Sensitivity of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis to some antimicrobial agents
Source: Mycopathologia 57: 177-179 (1975)
Author(s): Sekhon, Awatar S.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Kynureninase-Type enzymes of Penicillum roqueforti, Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus stolonifer, and Pseudomonas fluorescens: further evidence for distinct kynureninase and hydroxykynureninase activities
Source: Journal of Bacteriology 122: 235-244 (1975)
Author(s): Shetty, A. S. and Gaertner, F. H.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9310

Title: Fine structure of the macroconidia of Fusarium solani
Source: Canadian Journal of Botany 53: 2134-2146 (1975)
Author(s): Tewari, J. P. and Skoropad, W. P.
UAMH strains(s):

Title: Etiology and Symptomatology of Canker and Dieback Diseases on Highbush Blueberries Caused by Godronia (Fusicoccum) cassandrae and Diaporthe (Phomopsis) vaccinii
Source: Phytopathology 65: 105-110 (1975)
Author(s): Weingartner, D. P.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 6386

Title: Isolation and purification of blasticidin S deaminase from Aspergillus terreus
Source: Journal of Antibiotics 28: 7-14 (1975)
Author(s): Yamaguchi, I., Shibata, H., Seto, H. and Misato, T.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7574

Source: Mushroom Science 9: 557-565. 1974 (1974)
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8031

Title: Disc-gel electrophoresis of+ and-strains and of gymnothecial cultures of Arthroderma tuberculatum
Source: Sabouraudia 12: 12-17 (1974)
Author(s): AS Sekhon, AA Padhye, JW Carmichael
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 1593; UAMH 1967; UAMH 3181; UAMH 3182

Title: Microbial transformations of antitumor compounds. 1. Conversion of acronycine to 9-hydroxyacronycine by Cunninghamella echinulata
Source: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 17: 599-602 (1974)
Author(s): Betts, R. E., Walters, D. E. and Rosazza, J. P.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8716; UAMH 8718

Title: Experimental adiaspiromycosis in rabbits: Host response to Chrysosporium parvum and C. parvum var. Crescens antigens
Source: Sabouraudia 12: 54-63 (1974)
Author(s): Cano, R. J. and Taylor, J. J.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 3008