Displaying 2701-2725 of 3077 results:
Title: Gasophthalmus in black sea bream (Spondyliosoma cantharus) caused by Sarcinomyces crustaceus Lindner
Source: Mycopathologia 81: 95-97 (1983)Author(s): Todaro, F., Berdar, A., Cavaliere, A., Criseo, G. and Pernice, L.
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5389
Title: Production of (+)-(S)-Ethyl 3-Hydroxybutyrate and (-)-(R)-Ethyl 3-Hydroxybutyrate by Microbial Reduction of Ethyl Acetoacetate
Source: Helvetica Chimica Acta 66: 485 (1983)Author(s): Wipf, Beat, Kupfer, Ernst, Bertazzi, Roberto and Leuenberger, Hans Georg Wilhelm
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5178
Title: Beitrag zur aktiven und passiven Immunisierung bei Organmykosen. Chiysosporium parvum var. crescens als Modell
Source: Mycoses 25: 393-403 (1982)Author(s): A Tomŝíková, J Ŝlais, J Ŝtêrba, M Hejtmánek, D Nováĉková
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Blastomycosis: Report of the first case from Alberta, Canada
Source: Mycopathologia 79: 65-69 (1982)Author(s): AS Sekhon, FL Jackson, HJ Jacobs
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Penicillosis marneffei: serological and exoantigen studies
Source: Mycopathologia 77: 51-57 (1982)Author(s): AS Sekhon, JSK Li, AK Garg
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Salinity Tolerance of Two Isolates of Lagenidium Giganteum (Oomycetes: Lagenidiales), a Fungal Pathogen of Mosquito Larvae1
Source: Journal of Medical Entomology 19: 388-393 (1982)Author(s): Merriam, T. L. and Axtell, R. C.
UAMH strains(s):
Title: Purification and partial characterization of a thiol proteinase from the thermophilic fungus Humicola lanuginosa
Source: Biochemical Journal 205: 147-52 (1982)Author(s): Shenolikar, S. and Stevenson, K. J.
UAMH strains(s):