Publications Citing UAMH Strains


Displaying 1-25 of 3078 results:
Title: Thermostabilization of a fungal laccase by entrapment in enzymatically synthesized levan nanoparticles
Source: PloS ONE 19(7): e0304242 (2024)
Author(s): Aratboni HA, Martinez M, Olvera C, Ayala M
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 8260

Title: A new genus of the Microascaceae (Ascomycota) family from a hypersaline lagoon in Spain and the delimitation of the genus Wardomyces
Source: Journal of Fungi 10(4): 236 (2024)
Author(s): Barnés-Guirado M, Stchigel AM, Cano-Lira JF
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 1348; UAMH 3585; UAMH 9126; UAMH 9209; UAMH 9365

Title: Root-associated helotiales fungi: overlooked players in plant nutrition
Source: Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191: 109363 (2024)
Author(s): Bruyant P, Moënne-Loccoz Y, Almario J
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 6735; UAMH 7357; UAMH 7375; UAMH 7635; UAMH 8151

Title: Talaromides a–c, bioactive cyclic heptapeptides from Talaromyces siglerae isolated from a marine sponge
Source: Journal of Natural Products 87(4) (2024)
Author(s): Cho Y, Park K, Kim E, Kim S, Wang W, Choi H, Kang H
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4873

Title: Phylogenetic in silico analysis indicates that the moonlighting 14-3-3 protein of Ajellomycetaceae family and Homo sapiens share conserved and distinct features
Source: Preprints (2024)
Author(s): de Matos Silva S, Guzman OM, Rodrigues MA, Martins HG, Ruiz OH, Mendes-Giannini MJS, Almeida AMF, Gozalez A
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 39; UAMH 130; UAMH 4076; UAMH 5409; UAMH 7299; UAMH 9510

Title: Genomic sequencing and functional analysis of the ex-type strain of Malbranchea zuffiana
Source: Journal of Fungi 10(9): 600 (2024)
Author(s): Granados-Casas AO, Fernández-Bravo A, Stchigel AM, Cano-Lira JF
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 1704

Title: New species of Tropicoporus (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales, Hymenochaetaceae) from India, with a key to Afro-Asian Tropicoporus species
Source: MycoKeys 102: 29-54 (2024)
Author(s): Gunaseelan S, Kezo K, Karunarathna SC, Yang E, Zhao C, Elgorban AM, Tibpromma S, Kaliyaperumal M
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 10376

Title: Co‐occurring orchid species associated with different low‐abundance mycorrhizal fungi from the soil in a high‐diversity conservation area in Denmark
Source: Ecology and Evolution 14(2): e10863 (2024)
Author(s): Hartvig I, Kosawang C, Rasmussen H, Kjær ED, Nielsen LR
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 5430

Title: Study on the use of Imazalil to continuous cropping obstacle of Ganoderma lucidum caused by Xylogone ganodermophthora
Source: Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 11(1): 57 (2024)
Author(s): Huang Q, Lu Q, Cao F, Li X, Wu X, Sun H, Zhang J, Fu J
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 10320

Title: Chrysosporium articulatum mimicking Trichophyton spp. infection in a cat: a case presentation and literature review
Source: BMC Veterinary Research 20(1): 359 (2024)
Author(s): Kizerwetter-Świda M, Bąk I, Biegańska MJ, Dembele K, Chrobak-Chmiel D
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 4320

Title: Three new species of Neohelicomyces (Tubeufiales, Tubeufiaceae) from freshwater and terrestrial habitats in China
Source: MycoKeys 105: 317-336 (2024)
Author(s): Ma J, Gomdola D, Boonmee S, Shen H, Tang X, Zhang L, Lu Y, Hyde KD
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 10535

Title: Metarhizium puerense (Hypocreales, Clavicipitaceae): a new species from Yunnan, south-western China
Source: Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e129087 (2024)
Author(s): Ma JM, Wang ZQ, Yang ZL, Chen Y, Li SY, Yu H
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 11028; UAMH 11176

Title: Colletotrichum caladii sp. nov. causing anthracnose leaf spot of Caladium × hortulanum (Araceae) in Florida, USA
Source: Plant Disease 108(10): 3078-3083 (2024)
Author(s): Marin MV, Wang N, Seijo TE, Druffel K, Deng Z, Peres NA
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 12569; UAMH 12570

Title: Characterization of fungal isolates associated with rhizospheric indigenous Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) from different plant species in Mwea, Mitunguu, and Juja in central Kenya
Source: International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology 12(1): 1-16 (2024)
Author(s): Muiruri JW, Kavoo A, Mwashasha MR, Rimberia FK, Wekesa TF
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7174

Title: Unravelling the ancient fungal DNA from the Iceman's gut
Source: bioRxiv (2024)
Author(s): Oskolkov N, Sandionigi A, Göterström A, Canini F, Turchetti B, Zucconi L, Mimmo T, Buzzini P, Borruso L
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 10579

Title: Dendroctonus ponderosae (Hopkins), Mountain Pine Beetle/Dendroctone du pin ponderosa (Coleoptera: curculionidae)
Source: Biological Control Programmes in Canada 212-219, ISBN 9781800623255, eISBN 9781800623262 (2024)
Author(s): Remus A, Rosana R, Klutsch JG, Erbilgin N, Carroll AL, Vederas JC
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 299; UAMH 1069; UAMH 1076; UAMH 4510; UAMH 4623; UAMH 9748

Title: Diversity of rock-inhabiting fungi in Tarragona Province, Spain
Source: Journal of Fungi 10(3): 170 (2024)
Author(s): Sastoque AP, Cano-Lira JF, Stchigel AM
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 9731

Title: Morphological and phylogenetic studies of Ascomycota from gymnosperms in Sichuan Province, China
Source: Mycosphere 15(1): 1794–1900 (2024)
Author(s): Tian WH, Liu JW, Jin Y, Chen YP, Zhou YF, Wu K, Su PW, Guo XY, Wanasinghe DN, Hyde KD, Liu JK, Maharachchikumbura SSN
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 11865

Title: Microascaceae from the marine environment, with descriptions of six new species
Source: Journal of Fungi 10(1): 45 (2024)
Author(s): Wang M, Yang S, Li Q, Zheng Y, Ma H, Tu Y, Li W, Cai L
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 1348; UAMH 2643; UAMH 3585; UAMH 3982; UAMH 9169; UAMH 9209

Title: Metarhizium dianzhongense sp. nov. and new record of M. bibionidarum (Clavicipitaceae, Hyocreales) attacking insects from China
Source: Diversity 16(4): 201 (2024)
Author(s): Wei C, Tang M, Xie L, i Fan Q, Shen S, Yang Z, Deng G, Wang Y
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 11028; UAMH 11176

Title: Novel Helicoma and Neohelicosporium (Tubeufiaceae, Tubeufiales) species and two new host records of Helicoma on tropical palms (Arecaceae) from China
Source: MycoKeys 108: 287-315 (2024)
Author(s): Xiong Y, Hyde KD, Lu L, Harishchandra DL, Mapook A, Xu B, Alotibi F, Manawasinghe IS
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 10533; UAMH 10534

Title: Recommendations on approving the name “Entomosporium”, with a new species, E. dichotomanthes from China (Leotiomycetes, Drepanopezizaceae)
Source: MycoKeys 107: 1-20 (2024)
Author(s): Yang HD, Jayawardena RS, Zeng XY, Thiyagaraja V, Zhao Q, Hyde KD
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 7635; UAMH 8861

Title: Virulence of entomopathogenic fungi isolated from wild mosquitoes against Aedes aegypti
Source: Entomological Research 53(4): 158-166 (2023)
Author(s): Aguilar-Durán JA, Villarreal-Treviño C, Fernández-Santos NA, Hamer GL, Rodríguez-Pérez MA
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 12497

Title: Acetate metabolism in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
Source: Clemson University Theses (2023)
Author(s): Ahmed O
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 1704; UAMH 5409; UAMH 7299; UAMH 10762; UAMH 11150; UAMH 11346

Title: Biochemical characterization of an endoglucanase GH7 from thermophile Thermothielavioides terrestris expressed on Aspergillus nidulans
Source: Catalysts 13(3): 582 (2023)
Author(s): Alnoch RC, Salgado JCS, Alves GS, de Andrades D, Meleiro LP, Segato F, Berto GL, Ward RJ, Buckeridge MS, de Lourdes M, Polizeli TM
UAMH strains(s): UAMH 3264