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Strain Number:UAMH 9072
Species Name: Tilletiopsis pallescens
Synonyms: Golubevia pallescens
Taxonomy: FUNGI Basidiomycota, Exobasidiomycetes, Entylomatales, Entylomataceae
Strain History: Urquhart, E.J. -> UAMH
Substrate: powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) infected cucumber leaves in a greenhouse
Location: CANADA British Columbia, Maple Ridge (GEO: 49.219,-122.598)
Isolator: E.J. Urquhart
Isolation Date:
Date Received: 1997-10-17
Characters: BIOCONTROL growth & survival enhanced by high humidity & presence of powdery mildew - Urquhart & Punja, Can J. Bot. 75:892-901, 1997 // BIOCONTROL significant reduction of powdery mildew on infected roses after treatment - Ng et al., HortScience 32:262-266, 1997 // BIOCONTROL significantly reduced mildew sporulation & hyphal growth - Urquhart et al., Phytopathology 84:341-351, 1994
Cross Reference: ATCC 96155
Pathogenic Potential: Human: yes | Animal: no | Plant: no
Biosafety Risk Group: RG2 (check the PHAC ePATHogen Risk Group Database for updates)
Regulatory Requirements: Canadian requesters must provide PHAC Pathogen and Toxin License Number (see: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/licensing-program.html) prior to shipment. International requesters must provide all legally required importation documentation prior to shipment. Plant pathogenicity status may be verified by using the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Fungal Database
MycoBank ID: 324632


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