UAMH Number: | 9053 |
Species Name: | Hebeloma sp. |
Type: | |
Synonyms: | Hebelomatis / Hylophila / Myxocybe / Picromyces / Roumeguerites / Sarcoloma |
Taxonomy: | FUNGI Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes, Agaricales, Hymenogastraceae |
Strain History: | Danielson, R.M. (RMD 2657) -> UAMH |
Substrate: | sporocarp among bearberry in cleared area by road, pine seedling 1.5 m |
Location: | CANADA Alberta, Mildred Lake (GEO: 57.067,-112.568) |
Isolator: | R.M. Danielson (RMD 2657) |
Isolation Date: | |
Date Received: | 1997-09-26 |
Characters: | CULTURE CONDITIONS clamps // MYCORRHIZAE responses of ectomycorrhizal jackpine seedlings to salt and boron - Calvo Polanco M, Zwiazek JJ, Jones MD, MacKinnon MD, Trees 22:825-834, 2008 |
Compounds: | |
Cross Reference: | CCFC 3668 // CCFC 3669 // DAOM 176622 // RMD 2657 |
Pathogenic Potential: | Human: no | Animal: no | Plant: no |
Biosafety Risk Group: | RG1 (check the PHAC ePATHogen Risk Group Database for updates) |
Regulatory Requirements: | No restrictions for Canadian requesters. International requesters must provide all legally required importation documentation prior to shipment. Plant pathogenicity status may be verified by using the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Fungal Database |
MycoBank ID: | 17723 |