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Strain Number:UAMH 7689
Species Name: Trichophyton tonsurans
Synonyms: Aleurosporia acuminata / Aleurosporia effracta / Aleurosporia plicatilis / Bodinia spadicea / Bodinia spadix / Chlamydoaleurosporia crateriformis / Ctenomyces equinus / Ectotrichophyton equinum / Favotrichophyton epilans / Favotrichophyton floriforme / Favotrichophyton spadix / Megatrichophyton equinum / Neotrichophyton flavum / Neotrichophyton plicatile / Oidium tonsurans / Oospora tonsurans / Trichomyces tonsurans / Trichophyton acuminatum / Trichophyton areolatum / Trichophyton cerebriforme / Trichophyton crateriforme / Trichophyton crateriforme var. ochropyrraceum / Trichophyton crateriformis / Trichophyton crateriformis var. ochropyrraceum / Trichophyton depilans / Trichophyton effractum / Trichophyton epilans / Trichophyton equinum / Trichophyton equinum var. autotrophicum / Trichophyton equinum var. equinum / Trichophyton exsiccatum / Trichophyton flavum / Trichophyton floriforme / Trichophyton fumatum / Trichophyton ochropyrraceum / Trichophyton pilosum / Trichophyton plicatile / Trichophyton plicatilis / Trichophyton polygorum / Trichophyton regulare / Trichophyton sabouraudii var. pilosum / Trichophyton spadiceum / Trichophyton spadix / Trichophyton sulfureum / Trichophyton sulphureum / Trichophyton tonsurans subvar. perforans / Trichophyton tonsurans var. acuminatum / Trichophyton tonsurans var. effractum / Trichophyton tonsurans var. exsiccatum / Trichophyton tonsurans var. sulfureum / Trichophyton umbilicatum
Taxonomy: FUNGI Ascomycota, Eurotiomycetes, Onygenales, Arthrodermataceae
Strain History: Woodgyer, A. (MY 77-641) -> UAMH
Substrate: imported polo pony
Location: NEW ZEALAND (GEO: -40.901,174.886)
Isolator: A. Woodgyer
Isolation Date:
Date Received: 1994-11-15
Characters: CULTURE CONDITIONS BCP-MS-G profuse growth; weak alkalinity; no hydrolysis; urea positive // CULTURE CONDITIONS no growth on Trichophyton agar 1-4 // CULTURE CONDITIONS requires nicotinic acid (stimulated on Trichophyton agar 5) // HUMAN/ ANIMAL PATHOGEN first NZ isolate of this form of the species - fide submitting laboratory
Cross Reference: MY 77-641
Pathogenic Potential: Human: yes | Animal: yes | Plant: no
Biosafety Risk Group: RG2 (check the PHAC ePATHogen Risk Group Database for updates)
Regulatory Requirements: Canadian requesters must provide PHAC Pathogen and Toxin License Number (see: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/licensing-program.html) and a CFIA Written Authorization for transfer (http://www.inspection.gc.ca/plants/plant-pests-invasive-species/directives/date/d-12-03/eng/1432656209220/1432751554580#app2) prior to shipment. International requesters must provide all legally required importation documentation prior to shipment. Plant pathogenicity status may be verified by using the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Fungal Database
MycoBank ID: 193973


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