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Strain Number:UAMH 11643
Species Name: Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis
Synonyms: Mucor rhizopodiformis / Rhizopus cohnii / Rhizopus equinus / Rhizopus pusillus / Rhizopus rhizopodiformis
Taxonomy: FUNGI Mucoromycota, Mucoromycetes, Mucorales, Rhizopodaceae
Strain History: Fuller, J. (MY 1592) -> UAMH
Substrate: swab, ostomy site with necrotic tissue, male 55 yr; calcofluor negative but hyphae seen in histopathology
Location: CANADA Alberta, Edmonton, University of Alberta Hospitals (GEO: 53.52,-113.523)
Isolation Date: 2012-02-22
Date Received: 2012-03-07
Characters: CULTURE CONDITIONS short sporangiophores, finely roughened spores, well developed rhizoids and high temperature tolerance // MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS identified as Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis based on D1D2 blast result and on phenotypic characteristics - fide UAMH 2012 // THERMOTOLERANT grows at 50, NG at 55C - fide submitting lab
Cross Reference: MY 1592
Pathogenic Potential: Human: yes | Animal: yes | Plant: no
Biosafety Risk Group: RG2 (check the PHAC ePATHogen Risk Group Database for updates)
Regulatory Requirements: Canadian requesters must provide PHAC Pathogen and Toxin License Number (see: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/licensing-program.html) prior to shipment. International requesters must provide all legally required importation documentation prior to shipment. Plant pathogenicity status may be verified by using the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Fungal Database
MycoBank ID: 116953