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Strain Number:UAMH 11582
Species Name: Trichosporon asahii
Taxonomy: FUNGI Basidiomycota, Tremellomycetes, Trichosporonales, Trichosporonaceae
Strain History: O. Heslop (C757; ICU-B) -> Abbott, S.P. (SA1510) -> UAMH
Substrate: environmental sample from hospital wash basin, in area designated for patient use
Location: JAMAICA Kingston, University of West Indies Mona Campus (GEO: 18.003,-76.75)
Isolator: O. Heslop (C757; ICU-B)
Isolation Date:
Date Received: 2011-10-25
Characters: BIODIVERSITY Indoor fungus associated with human infection - Heslop OD, Nyi Nyi M-P, Abbott SP, Rainford LF, Castle DM, Coard KCM, J Clin Microbiol 49:4405-4408, 2011 // CULTURE CONDITIONS API 20C profile # 2744734
Cross Reference:
Pathogenic Potential: Human: yes | Animal: no | Plant: no
Biosafety Risk Group: RG1 (check the PHAC ePATHogen Risk Group Database for updates)
Regulatory Requirements: Canadian requesters must provide PHAC Pathogen and Toxin License Number (see: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/licensing-program.html) and a CFIA Written Authorization for transfer (http://www.inspection.gc.ca/plants/plant-pests-invasive-species/directives/date/d-12-03/eng/1432656209220/1432751554580#app2) prior to shipment. International requesters must provide all legally required importation documentation prior to shipment. Plant pathogenicity status may be verified by using the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Fungal Database
MycoBank ID: 415474